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Tag Archives: Piano Care


Making Your Piano Winter-Ready

Fluctuations in the weather this winter season can damage your piano’s components. No one wants a wacky sounding piano when they sing holiday songs around the fireplace. So how do you make your piano winter-ready? That’s easy. A Sharp...

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The Importance of Piano Tuning

There are 220 strings in an average piano and each string has different pitch and frequency. For your piano to maintain quality sound and melody, every string of the piano should be tuned to the other strings on the piano. You should take proper...

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Unexpected Benefits of Playing Piano

Having the ability to play the piano gives you various yet unexpected benefits that go far beyond a greater appreciation for music and acquiring a new skill. Studies have confirmed that children who study piano for two years or more can remember...

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Is Piano Tuning Hazardous to Our Health?

Piano tuning is a profession that unfortunately not everyone knows. This kind of profession is underrated except in the industry or field of music. Harmless as it looks, but this kind of job can actually pose a great danger to our health. This...

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Helpful Tips for Best Placement of Your Piano at Home

Having a musical instrument at home can be a good avenue for you to bond or have a quality time with your family members through music. However, we should learn how to be responsible for our musical instruments. It is important to know the...

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How Piano Moving Services Give You Convenience

Pianos are musical instruments that are known to be large and heavy. Due to its size and mass, every piano owner has a problem in moving or transferring it to one place or another, especially on occasions where they need to move to their new...

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